Investing with Less Stress
A Sharing by Singapore Finance Bloggers
You're busy.
You give your all in the daily grind at work. By the time you get home, it's almost impossible to focus on another mind-straining task, especially when it involves poring through lines of numbers and unfamiliar financial terms that just don't make sense.
You fight hard through the weekdays while the weekends are filled with family commitments. There's really no extra time to squeeze out for investing and finance planning. Especially when it's simply too stressful to try and grasp all these complex concepts.
It's especially stressful when it's almost impossible to tell if you are actually doing the right thing...or if these potential investments would eventually work out.

We get it.
Even though we are finance bloggers, we all started somewhere.
Some of us developed a liking for poring though financial data (wut?!) while others found easier ways to invest without having to face financial figures and to create a simple financial plan to stick to.
Regardless of where we stand on this matter, we all received the same question time and again:
"How is it that finance planning and investing seem so easy and stress-free for you?"

Truth is...
We too had to go through a learning curve in order to structure our own style of investing...with less stress.
And we have brought together 3 finance bloggers; Lionel from Cheerful Egg, Christopher from Tree of Prosperity and Alvin from Dr Wealth to share how they manage their investment processes, make confident investing decisions and remove stress from their investing.
Here's some of the key lessons you'd takeaway:
- How you can automate your stress away.
1 factor that makes the biggest impact on your wealth
2 stress-free ways to boost your returns
- Stress vs Risk: How to best balance these to eradicate maximal stress while keeping your risks low
- Available tools that you could use to remove the stress from investing
- How to set up your investments so that you'd only need to check it once a year.
- and much more
Reserve your seat now!
18 May 2017 (Thurs)
7.30pm to 9.30pm
Maybank Kim Eng Securities
48 North Canal Road
L03 Event Hall
Singapore 059305
P.S. LIKE and FOLLOW us on Facebook for immediate notification of upcoming talks! Click Here
More about your Speakers
Lionel blogs on money and personal development for millennial executives on His content has been featured on The Sunday Times, KISS92, Channel News Asia and other major media outlets. He has authored 2 e-books and developed online courses to teach index investing to beginners. He regularly speaks at events and collaborates with partners on content marketing.
42 Years Old; Married with 2 kids. Currently a Law Student with SMU. "Replaced my earned income at age 39 using dividend investing techniques. Went back to school to study Law. No real idea what I want to do next as there is a downturn in the legal industry." Christopher shares his thoughts at Tree of Prosperity.
A deep value investor who developed the CNAV investing strategy. Quant at heart. Alvin believes that the financial industry can treat their customers better and wants to change the world. Alvin shares his thoughts at Dr Wealth.
Reserve your seat now!
18 May 2017 (Thurs)
7.30pm to 9.30pm
Maybank Kim Eng Securities
48 North Canal Road
L03 Event Hall
Singapore 059305
P.S. LIKE and FOLLOW us on Facebook for immediate notification of upcoming talks! Click Here
Who is 'BIGScribe'?
BIGScribe is a group of passionate finance bloggers. We are looking to pool our resources together, in order to bring you better quality and well-rounded financial information that is easy to consume.
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